The Answers Aren’t On This Test

William MurphyBasketballLeave a Comment

In the words of the great philosopher, Ron Burgundy, “Well that escalated quickly.”  This is the feeling I get when I watch approximately 96.3% of Golden State Warrior games. I really don’t cuss…unless my Dallas Cowboys are on, but I am convinced that Golden State leaves fans with more “WTF Moments” on average than any other team. “WTF Moments” leave you … Read More

Game 1 Takeaways..No, Breakdown

adminBasketballLeave a Comment

Game 1 Takeaways Breakdown We endured an arduous 82-game season to get to last night’s inevitable start of the 2017 NBA Finals, and we were not disappointed…well unless we were Cleveland/LBJ fans. Game 1 of this trilogy was highly anticipated and, for a half, had a few fireworks. Ultimately, the 3rd quarter proved to be the unraveling of the Cavs, … Read More


Michael PyattBasketballLeave a Comment

Now that the smoke has cleared from this year’s NBA Finals, may I have a second to vent about Lebron James and just haters in general? I actually like Lebron James on and off the court. He impacts games in ways that the novice fan would miss. I mean, we know he’s a great player, but I don’t think many … Read More

Back In My Day

William MurphyBasketball, General2 Comments

At some point in our lives, we have all found ourselves engaged in a “Back In My Day” conversation. You know what I’m talking about…the one where a topic comes up and someone, usually an older individual, seizes the opportunity to give a brief history of how things were so much better regarding said topic back in their day. (Point … Read More